Who we are?

Comfi is Dubai-based privately-backed BNPL fintech startup that provides B2B SaaS vendors with a super checkout that helps them close 2x more annual plans.

If you have never heard of BNPL, here is a little example:

Aspiring startup is using a lot of tools to grow their business and manage operations.

One of such tools could be a CRM (aka SaaS Vendor). The CRM costs 50$ if paid monthly and $480 if paid annualy.

The startup has a stable growth, but they do need to keep their runaway cash safe, that’s why they go for monthly payments of 50$.

With Comfi, this startup could enjoy the benefits of the discounted yearly price which is $480/12 = $40/month and still pay monthly.

Comfi pays the whole $480 to the CRM vendor and the startup settles the monthly payments with Comfi.


Comfi increases runway for B2B SaaS vendors and saves runway for startups and SMBs 🏝

Once, we were running a small SaaS startup. We were always running out of cash paying for cloud hosting, storage, API providers, and other stacks.

We had to pay upfront for the tools we used. And we couldn't enjoy the yearly discounts as we couldn't afford losing 1 year's liquidity and kept paying monthly.

That's why we decided to build Comfi - to help SaaS providers hold onto cash and to help their customers have flexibility in how they pay and enjoy the yearly discounts.

Leadership Team

Sanjar Samiev-min.png

Sanjar Samiev


Alisher Akbarov-min.png

Alisher Akbarov


Amal Abdullaev-min.png

Amal Abdullaev


Alexander Mushta-min.png

Alex Mushta


We have a rather small and young team of 17 core people scattered all around the globe. Most of us are based in Dubai, some in Europe and Central Asia.

Links & Resources
